Roller Cowards – From SpongePedia, the biggest SpongeBob-wiki in the world! (2024)

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Episode Article: Roller Cowards

[edit] Characters

  • SpongeBob
  • Patrick
  • Larry the Lobster
  • Tom
  • Harold
  • Old Man Jenkins

[edit] Dialogue

(episode begins at SpongeBob's house)

SpongeBob: (reading a story to Gary) And then, the little ugly mollusk ran all the way home... (Patrick busts through the wall with a television in his hand)

Patrick: SpongeBob, you gotta see this. It's an emergency broadcast on my TV!

TV Announcer: The day you've been waiting for is almost here. That's right. Glove World has a new ride. It's big! (roller coaster goes above the water then back down into it) It's fast! (two fish are riding a roller coaster so fast, the man flies off of it)

Lady Fish: Harold, no!

TV Announcer: It's painful! (roller coaster crashes into the ground, causing an explosion) The "Fiery Fist O' Pain!" Opening tomorrow only at Glove World.

Patrick: Tomorrow! SpongeBob, we gotta get to bed so we can be first in line! (hangs onto his TV and goes back to his rock. Bubble-wipe to SpongeBob sleeping)

SpongeBob: Glove World. Roller coaster. First in line. (dreams of him and Patrick at Glove World. When they walk past the popcorn stand, it turns into a maggot stand and smoke fills the air. An employee and a customer both mutate) Excuse me, which way to the Fist O' Pain? (a Grim Reaper-like figure points to his left. SpongeBob and Patrick float over to the ride. When they get in it, it goes up, above the water. They scream as it goes down. Lightning strikes the tracks and makes the roller coaster fly off the track) In the name of amusem*nt, no...! (he and Patrick fall out of the coaster and into graves with their names on the tombstones. A digger that looks like a dragon puts all the dirt back in the hole and the camera cuts to a tombstone with the words "R.I.P SpongeBob." Wakes up screaming) I don't wanna ride the Fiery Fist O' Pain! (cut to next morning when SpongeBob’s alarm goes off but he didn't sleep the whole night. Patrick appears by his bed)

Patrick: You ready to ride the Fist O' Pain?

SpongeBob: NO!!! Well, yeah. It's just that I had a bad dream last night.

Patrick: Really? Me too!

SpongeBob: What was your dream about, Patrick?

Patrick: Oh, look, the bus is here! (runs toward the bus)

SpongeBob: Wait for me, Patrick. (both get on the bus) Whoo! Fiery Fist O' Pain, here we come.

Boy: Yeah, dudes, we're all riding the Fist O' Pain.

Boy #2: I heard somebody rode it and his spine fell out.

Boy: (laughing) Dude, I hope my spine falls out.

Boy #2: (laughing) Yeah, me too.

SpongeBob: Boy, the Fist O' Pain sounds...

Patrick: Really, really scary. I mean fun-ifying. I mean horror-tastic. I mean fun-ible! Fun, really, really fun.

SpongeBob: Yeah, really fun. (bubble-wipe to the bus stopping at Glove World. SpongeBob and Patrick get off) That sure looks like fun.

Patrick: Yeah, I can't wait to ride it. (all the passengers on the bus run out and grab SpongeBob & Patrick while cheering)

All: Yes, we're here! Whoo! (SpongeBob and Patrick are carried into a brick wall)

Employee: Tickets, please. (SpongeBob looks in his pockets but there's no ticket)

SpongeBob: No ticket. I must have left it at home.

Patrick: I swallowed my ticket.

SpongeBob: I guess we're not gonna be riding the Fist O' Pain today.

Employee: Hold on a second, there's your tickets in your back pockets. (grabs them both)

SpongeBob: Oh, barnacles. (bubble-wipe to later when SpongeBob and Patrick are walking around the amusem*nt park) It sure was lucky we found our tickets.

Patrick: Yeah, bad luck. I mean good luck, very good luck.

SpongeBob: There it is. The line looks awfully long.

Patrick: Oh, I know! Let's go on some of the dumb kiddie rides first.

SpongeBob: Yeah, and then the Fist O' Pain will seem even cooler. (both run off)

Patrick: Phew.

SpongeBob: Can you believe some people are afraid to ride roller coasters?

Patrick: Yeah, only a real baby would be afraid of a roll... Whoa!

SpongeBob: I can't believe it, Patrick. It's Glovey Glove! (a giant glove costume is standing in front of them) Get over there and I'll take your picture with him. (pulls out a photo camera. Patrick moves a few steps into the camera so he's not too close to Glovey Glove) Get closer, Patrick.

Patrick: Uh-uh.

SpongeBob: Come on, closer. (Patrick moves a little closer) That's it, a little more. Now hold onto his thumb. Give me a big smile. (takes the picture)

Patrick: How do I look? (picture shows Patrick touching Glovey Glove with only a finger) Wow, I look great. (a little kid is laughing on one of the kiddie rides)

SpongeBob and Patrick: The Mitten!

SpongeBob: (clears throat) I mean, The Mitten.

Patrick: That ride's for babies.

SpongeBob: Yeah. Let's ride it just to see how baby-fied it is. (both walk over and get into the ride, with the little kid. When they go over a bump, they scream. When the ride is over, they get out and both are shivering)

Patrick: I guess that ride was too much for the little guy. (bubble-wipe to SpongeBob and Patrick standing in line by the Fiery Fist O' Pain)

SpongeBob: Well, the line looks a little bit shorter now. Can you believe that some people are scared of this ride? (both chuckle nervously)

Patrick: Yeah, it's perfectly safe. No one gets hurt riding these roller coasters. (an old fish is wheel chaired out of Glove World)

Old Man Jenkins: Oh why, why, why? (SpongeBob and Patrick scream and run off) Why won't you let me on the ride?

Employee #2: Sir, you have a serious medical condition.

Old Man Jenkins: But it's my birthday! (bubble-wipe to SpongeBob and Patrick running through a line, cheering)

Patrick: Yeah!

SpongeBob and Patrick: One more time!

Tom: You know, this is the line for the bathroom.

SpongeBob: (laughs) We've gone eight times.

Patrick: And I went three times all by myself.

Tom: I'm going to walk away now. (does so)

SpongeBob: Bye.

Patrick: Have fun! (Larry walks up)

Larry: SpongeBob! Patrick!

SpongeBob: Hello, Larry.

Larry: I just got off the Fist O' Pain. Man, what a rush. (sniffs his armpit then sighs in relief as a green odor is released from under his arm) You smell that? That's the smell of adrenaline. (SpongeBob and Patrick's eyebrows disintegrate)

SpongeBob: Oh, it's, uh... (holding breath) very manly, Larry.

Larry: (picks up SpongeBob and smells him) SpongeBob, I'm not smelling any adrenaline on you. You haven't gone on the ride?

SpongeBob: Um, I have a confession to make. We haven't gone on the ride because I'm... hungry. I'm very hungry. Hungry, hungry! (runs off)

Larry: Come on, Patrick. You and me, pal?

Patrick: I'm hungry, too. (runs off)

Larry: Maybe I should stop making people smell me. (bubble-wipe to SpongeBob and Patrick sitting at a table, eating ice cream, and looking at the explosions on the Fist O' Pain)

Patrick: Want some?

SpongeBob: No thanks, Patrick. Um, you got ice cream in your eyebrows.

Patrick: Yeah, that's the problem with this brand. I'll be right back. (walks off)

SpongeBob: Hurry back so we can go on the ride. (sees the roller coaster drop and plants his face in the table)

Ice Cream: (SpongeBob talks to himself, SpongeBob voices the ice cream) What's the matter, SpongeBob?

SpongeBob: Oh, delicious dairy treat, I don't know what to do.

Ice Cream: Patrick's your best friend. You can't let him down.

SpongeBob: I know, but the ride is really scary.

Ice Cream: You wanna see scary? I'll show you scary! (SpongeBob hits himself in the head with the ice cream)

SpongeBob: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Ice Cream: You like that? You like that? Huh, you like that? (cut to the bathroom where Patrick is talking to himself in the mirror)

Patrick: It's just a ride. What are you so scared about? You can do it.

Reflection: No you can't. You're a big crybaby.

Patrick: Oh, yeah? (punches his reflection, without breaking the glass) I thought we'd settled this the last time! (cut to SpongeBob still hitting himself in the head with the ice cream)

SpongeBob: Ow, quit it! Ow, quit it! Ow, quit it!

Patrick: (runs back) SpongeBob, I have to tell you something.

SpongeBob: I have to tell you something too, Patrick.

Man: (over speaker) Attention. Glove World will be closing in five minutes.

SpongeBob and Patrick: Five minutes?! (both run over to the ride. An employee comes over and cleans up the ice cream)

Ice Cream: What are you looking at? (bubble-wipe to the ride)

SpongeBob: (reads the sign) Warning! This ride may cause: crying, screaming, projectile vomiting, amnesia, spine loss, embarrassing accidents, uncontrollable gas...

SpongeBob and Patrick: ...and explosive diarrhea.

SpongeBob: Is that all?

Patrick: Big deal, I did half that stuff this morning.

Man: (over speaker) Last call for the Fiery Fist O' Pain.

SpongeBob: Well, this is it, Pat.

Patrick: Yep.

SpongeBob: Here we go.

Patrick: Uh-huh.

SpongeBob: On the Fiery Fist O' Pain.

Patrick: After you. (both sit down in the ride)

SpongeBob: We made it.

Patrick: Yeah.

Employee #3: Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. (buckles them, puts on helmets, and wraps them up) There.

Employee #4: Now if you could just sign this release, involving Glove World in case of accidental spine loss... (SpongeBob signs his name) Well, nice knowing you.

Employee #3: Ready in ten...

SpongeBob: This is it, Patrick.

Employee #3: Nine, eight...

SpongeBob: We made it!

Employee #3: Seven, six...

Patrick: We're not scaredy cats.

Employee #3: Five, four...

SpongeBob: We're not crybabies.

Employee #3: Three, two...

SpongeBob and Patrick: We're brave!

Employee #3: One... (when he presses the 'GO' button, SpongeBob and Patrick scream, but the roller coaster breaks down)

Man: (over speaker) Uh, we're experiencing some technical difficulties.

Employee #3: Man, this cheap thing is always breaking down. Hey, sorry guys. Maybe next time. (SpongeBob and Patrick sigh in relief)

SpongeBob: Patrick, I have a confession to make. I was really scared about going on this ride.

Patrick: Me too.

SpongeBob: I didn't know how to tell you because, well, I didn't want to disappoint you.

Patrick: I didn't want you to be disappointed in me.

SpongeBob: But now we don't have to face our fears. The ride is broken.

Patrick: Yeah! (employee comes back)

Employee #3: Oh, wait, it's fine.

SpongeBob and Patrick: Huh?

Employee #3: Have fun. (presses the 'GO' button again. SpongeBob and Patrick take off but their wrapping and helmets have come off)

SpongeBob: Patrick, I don't want to face my fears. I'm afraid of them!(when they get to the top, it stops for a moment)Good-bye, Patrick.

Patrick: Good-bye, SpongeBob. (coaster starts again, dropping and going through a saw, a flaming fist, and a laser. When the coaster drops at a 90 degree angle, SpongeBob and Patrick's skeletons fly through the air while their bodies go down with the coaster. Their skeletons fly into them as they go up, out of the water, but when they sit up, they have the other one's skeleton. The coaster drops into the ground, causing an explosion. When the ride is over, SpongeBob and Patrick are holding each other, shaking)

Woman: (over speaker) Please wait until the car has come to a complete stop. And stop crying.

Employee #3: It's over. You can get out now.

SpongeBob and Patrick: We did it! (both get out and run around in circles)

SpongeBob: We conquered our fears!

Patrick: We stopped crying!

SpongeBob: We survived the Fist O' Pain.

Employee #3: Hey, hold it right there. (holds up SpongeBob and Patrick's spines) You forgot these.

SpongeBob and Patrick: Our spines! (grab their spines) Yeah! (when they grab them, they start to wiggle their bodies and then bend them backwards. They laugh)

SpongeBob: Let's go again!

Patrick: Yeah!

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Roller Cowards – From SpongePedia, the biggest SpongeBob-wiki in the world! (2024)


What is the scary roller coaster in SpongeBob? ›

In the opening, SpongeBob is telling Gary a bedtime story, but Patrick, holding a small TV, trespasses into SpongeBob's house (by smashing through the wall) and shows him an important commercial for Glove World!'s new scary rollercoaster, called the "Fiery Fist O' Pain." They plan to go on it at Glove World! the next ...

What episode of SpongeBob has the roller coaster? ›

"SpongeBob SquarePants" Roller Cowards/Bucket, Sweet Bucket (TV Episode 2007) - IMDb.

What episode is Fiery Fist O Pain? ›

The Fiery Fist O' Pain is a large roller coaster at Glove World!. SpongeBob and Patrick are excited yet hesitant to ride it in the episode "Roller Cowards."

What is the scary city in SpongeBob? ›

The cliff leads to Rock Bottom, a town inhabited by many strange deep-sea animals. Patrick becomes frightened of Rock Bottom, so SpongeBob leaves him at the bus stop while he goes to get a bus schedule.

What is the Squidward Creepypasta called? ›

"Red Mist", also known as "Squidward's Suicide", an internet fan-made SpongeBob SquarePants creepypasta.

How tall is the SpongeBob ride? ›

Standing 74.5 feet tall, it is the tallest roller coaster in the park. It also features a beyond vertical (97 degrees) drop. It is the first roller coaster themed to SpongeBob SquarePants, and opened with the Nickelodeon Universe grand opening on March 15, 2008. The ride features a vertical loop, and a heartline roll.

How fast is the SpongeBob roller coaster? ›

What episode of SpongeBob is 25? ›

In "New Student Starfish", when SpongeBob says he has 74 "Good Noodle" stars, you can clearly see that it's actually only 25.

What episode of Naruto is drunken fist? ›

In Naruto Episode 123, “The Leaf's Handsome Devil!", Naruto is on the verge of being fatally wounded by Kimimaro's surprise attack after being distracted by the sudden appearance of Sasuke, who is attempting to escape with Orochimaru's Sound Five.

What episode is fist of divine speed? ›

Luffy and Katakuri are locked in a duel to end all duels!

What episode does fire fist ace? ›

What episode does Ace die in One Piece? Ace dies in episode 483 of the One Piece anime. The episode title says it all, which is “Looking for the Answer – Fire Fist Ace Dies on the Battlefield.” This was during the Summit War of Marineford. In the manga, that would be chapter 574.

What are the 2 banned SpongeBob episodes? ›

Previously Banned 'SpongeBob' Episodes "Kwarantined Crab" and "Mid-Life Crustacean" Are Back on Streaming. Two SpongeBob SquarePants episodes that were previously banned are now available to watch once again.

What is the scary SpongeBob episode called? ›

Graveyard Shift

What is that scary episode of SpongeBob? ›

Season 2, Episode 13

"Shanghaied" sees SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward boarding the Flying Dutchman's ship. Squidward says he won't endure an eternity working for the ghostly captain, so the Dutchman sends him to the Fly of Despair, a terrifying parallel-like dimension.

Where is SpongeBob's Crazy Carnival ride? ›

SpongeBob's Crazy Carnival Ride is an interactive dark ride at the Circus Circus hotel and casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Where is SpongeBob roller coaster? ›

SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge is a Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter roller coaster located at Nickelodeon Universe in the Mall of America, Bloomington, Minnesota.

What is the horror movie of SpongeBob? ›

Fisherman 4: Attack of the Hook, known as Fisherman 4 for short, is a horror movie that is shown in the episode "Don't Look Now." The film's plot revolves around Fishermen who go fishing around midnight in the waters above Bikini Bottom who are trying to catch as much fish as they can, unaware of their underwater ...

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.