Pharmacy Tech Uniform: Do Pharmacy Technicians Wear Scrubs? (2024)

As a pharmacy technician, you’ll be working closely with the public so you’ll always want to look as professional as possible. Many companies that employ pharmacy techs often have a dress code in place so their team can be clearly identified by customers, and maintain a consistent standard of attire. Depending on the company you work for, you may have the option to wear scrubs, a white coat, a white vest, or your own attire as long as it is professional in nature.

What Is the Dress Code for a Pharmacy Technician?

Pharmacy Tech Uniform: Do Pharmacy Technicians Wear Scrubs? (1)

First and foremost, a pharmacy must dress professionally. When in sight of the public, most companies require to wear scrubs, a white lab coat or a white vest.

There are several reasons for this. The primary reason is for identification. Scrubs or a vest may indicate where you stand professionally. Wearing a lab coat may designate that you will be working with the public and talking about their medications. A person wearing a lab coat may have additional experience that allows them to work as a pharmacist’s assistant.

In many cases, your position in the pharmacy will determine what you are required to wear under the company’s dress code. If your job is to fill the prescriptions with little to no customer contact, you may be allowed to wear your own clothing or a pair of scrubs. If you work in sight of the public and fill prescriptions, you may be asked to wear a white vest or smock that identifies you as a pharmacy worker. Managing the front counter and working directly with the public may require that you wear a white lab coat.

Many companies require that all pharmacy personnel wear some type of outer garment. This can be a vest, smock, or lab coat. Being an identifier, it also protects the employee if a drug or medication spills or splashes onto their clothing.

Do CVS Pharmacy Techs Wear Scrubs?

When pharmacy technicians are first hired at CVS, they are allowed to wear business casual attire until their blue scrubs come in. Front personnel wearsblack jeans or dress pants and a blue polo shirt. Pharmacy techs that staff the counter and work directly with the public are sometimes required to wear a white lab coat that designates their position and name. This not only identifies them to the customer, it also helps to establish a personal relationship with the customer.

When customers come to pick up their prescriptions, they often have questions that go unasked. While some are afraid to ask, others may feel uncomfortable asking questions to someone they don’t know. A lab coat gives the pharmacy technician a professional appearance. Having their name on their coat makes it a more personal connection. This may be just what the customer needs to feel at ease and ask even the most difficult questions.

What Do Pharmacy Techs Wear at Walgreens?

At Walgreens, pharmacy techs also wear light blue scrubs. Pharmacists wear white lab coats. The blue color is easily identifiable and will associate the tech with their position. A pharmacist’s assistant may also wear a white coat if part of their job involves working directly with the public. Again, familiarity is comforting and will give customers a sense of security knowing that they are talking to a professional.

The “uniforms” pharmacy techs are required to wear offer customers the reassurance of a higher level of quality and consistency. This is very important when you are dealing with a person’s medications and overall healthcare. They want reassurance that they are dealing with professionals who have the skills and knowledge to be able to answer any questions they may have.

Do Pharmacy Technicians Wear White Coats?

In most cases, pharmacy techs wear scrubs or professional attire. Vests are sometimes worn if a tech is in sight of the public. Pharmacy techs that work the counter or assist the pharmacist may be asked to wear a white lab coat while they are working in that position. White coats often designate a position of authority. Only a pharmacist and their assistants may be required to wear them because of this. Some companies, however, prefer that all of their pharmacy workers wear a white coat to protect them from spills or splashes that sometimes occur.

If you’re still in the process of becoming a pharmacy technician, use our free practice test ptcb to check you’re ready for your exam. Once you start preparing for your test, you can start ordering your scrubs and prepare for your first day of work.

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Pharmacy Tech Uniform: Do Pharmacy Technicians Wear Scrubs? (2024)
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