Globe-Gazette from Mason City, Iowa (2024)

4 Mttck 31, Gfekt-CxutU. 1931! ia. Former 'Mason Cityan Is Married in Lakeland Announcement is. of thej cl Miss llarjorie Anoej Schroeder, daughter of -Mrs. of Lake-; 'iasd, and Forrest Earl De- Reus, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Roy S. DeHeas of Winter Haven, formerly of Mason City, piace in the Westminster Presb.T^erian church in Lakeland. The Rev. W.

Monte Johnson the nuptial vows in the presence of a group of friends 'and relatives. Calla lilies and gladioli banked the altar, lor the ceremony, and a canopy' of huckleberry, calla and linen swags was placed over the altar. Pedestal candlej holders with lighted tapers flowers marked the pews.j Preceding the ceremony, nuptial; music was played by Robert Par-J organist. Given in marriage by her Miss Eisie Beyer, daughter the bride wore a gown Mrs. Anna Beyer of Laiimer, skin of embroidered organdy and Leslie Neve, son of Mr.

and jscaitoped at Jhe hemline and Mrs. Pete Neve Thornton 'lengthening into a train. The-were married at the Little i fitted bodice of plain imported Brown church near Nashua by 'organdy had peter pan the Rev. F. L.

Hanscom. The bride's veil of. Preach illu-; couple was attended by Mr. and "sion was held by a cap of ens-' Mrs. Cecil Harris.

After a wed- jbreidered organdy. Her only or-: ding trip, the couple toll be at inarneni an antique gold neck-; home on his father's farm south- belonging to her mother and! of Thornton. sbe carried a cascade "ililacs centered with The maid of honor, Miss Margaret Juhl, John Foster Wed Clear Lake Globe-Gazette MARRIAGE Runell Photo ANNOUNCED at a Helen Brink, WpH Ann yellow aver yellow the bride's a Hpton -s-iainpihcaddress was a halo of matching: Edward Brink, became thej bride of Glen Merlyn Ange florets. bridesmaids aliss Jeafflne of Mr. and Mrs, Meriyn AngelLi, Osage, at ihe Sacred Heart church, Osage ma aouble ring Jean Ba and Miss read by ihe Thomas Conroy.jj Lakeland, Sister Mary Damian played thei gowns of green organdy over! organ and sang the nuptial scrags.

green fajjje carried yellow The bride carried the prayerj gladioli crescent bouquets. They book carried by her mother when'jhad halos of green organdy and was a little child. gladioli buds. Maid of honor was Miss Marie! Edwin Coleman was bestman Daun. SL Peter, DeReus ushers were classmate of the bride.

Bridesmaid lU and ot -was iliss Joan Marr, Osage. Haven, Van Gilbert 01 Coulter-- Maxgare: Juhl. daugh-; ter of Mr. and Mrs. E.

C. became the bride oJ John W.l of Hampton, soil of Dr. J4 IE. Foster in the Methodist church- Jin Hampton. the Rev.

RaJph' Baker officiating. The 'nuptial music was played Mrs. C. D. Quaiie.

She aecom-i Jpanied Ruth Beckinan of Haisp-i ton, who sang. Helen Jean Jones ol Haapton acted as maid of honor. Nancy; JHeuremann of. Cedar Falls was bridesmaid and Janice and Audrv) Juhl. sisters of toe bride, werej junior bridesmaids.

Richard Allen of Hampton acted as bestman and Richard Snyder, of Arses as attendant. Herbert Juhl. Dean Davis, Deaa Methfessel; and Ray Reaard, all of were ushers. A reception -was held in thej church parlors for 165 guests. The bride was graduated from Hampton high school, attended! State Teachers college in Cedar; Falls one year and was graduated from North western Institute" ofj Medical Technology.

She is em-! i ployed as laboratory technician in; 'Boone County hospital in Bpoae. The bridegroom was grsduatedj jfrora Hampton high school and is now a senior at Iowa State col- i lege in Ames. After a short trip the couple "will be at home at Boone. Petersen Gets City Contract Fire Engine Bonds to Be Sold April 27 Clear Jake--Peter O. Petersen was awarded ihe contract for re-j 1 modeling the City hall, according to plans and specifications on file) the city clerk's office' at the! meeting of the city coun-j jcH Friday evening.

The bid 'wasj 'for 53,866.91 and work is to begin Wednesday. Mmes. J. H. Woodstock and C.

C. Branson, co-chairmen of the I rest room committee of the Civic 1 League, sponsors of the rest room is to be disrupted, were present and discussed possible irangements for a new restroom sire. April 27 was set as the date for selling bonds in the amount of $15,000 to pay for the new fire engiae. A resolution -aras passed desig- iMARY AND MARTHA i CLASS TO MEET JOHX MILES Mrs. J.

Miles Dies of Stroke Arrangements for Rites Incomplete Clear-Lake--Mrs. John- Miles HIT'S food locker, Lindstrom's gro- 77, 704 Second avenue died eery and Parkit Market a Mason City hospital shortly be- Building a bvuloing Trust company as depository for city funds. A cigaret permit was granted the South Side grocery. Class beer permits were granted Jiin- Mary and Martha class of noon Saturday following a JFirst Christian church will meet atjlong illness. She suffered a stroke jibe home of Mrs.

Ora Beera, Sunday, jllth N. Friday afternoon aij VrOa iTinu-t, man -was Hervel Angell, of the bridegroom. Ring bearer! Arthur Welp, Bancroft, O'Dell Bray of Lake-Mrs. Schroeder, mother of the cousin of the bride, -with Margie; Ann Welp, Bancroft, cousin of the bride, as flower girl. Ushers included Edward Brink, brother of the bride; Keith Angell, brother of the bridegroom, and William Kennedy, cousin of the bride, Bancroft A reception was held for 175 guests.

After a wedding trip, the couple "'will be at home on the Loney farm, near Osage, Home of the 'bridegroom's grandparents. This is the original "Hamlin Garland homestead. The bride took post-graduate business in the Osage high school and began work as clerk in the office of county superinten- dent'of schools in 1949. St. Teresa college, Winona, Mr.

Angell attended the National -Railroad school, Omaha, Webr. i- Vows'Exchanged at Marsha 11 town Popejoy--Miss Lorraine Watkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Watkins, and John R.

Wilson, son of Mr. and Sirs. Gail Wilson of Lamoille, were at the First Methodist churclv in Marshalltown. The Rev. Arthur Kindred, pastor, performed the double ring ceremony.

Miss Eunice Wilson, sister of the bridegroom, served as bridesmaid. Robert Combs, Marshalltpwn, was bride, had a dusty blue crepe street length, dress, a dusty pink milan hat with pink veiling and white accessories. Mrs. DeReus, mother of the bridegroom, wore an aqua crepe street length dress with black velvet Her lat was white with black veiling and her accessories were white. Both had corsages of pink carnations.

A reception in the parlors followed the ceremonyl The bride's table was spread a green organdy cloth and had cascade arrangements of iris 'and yellow gladioli at the corners. The 4-tier cake was decorated with yellow roses and green leaves, bestman. The bride will. be. graduated from the Popejoy high school with the class of '51.

The bridegroom has been employed in Marshalltown since he finished school and recently been called into the armed forces. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were given a reception at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister. Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Hamiel of Marshalltown, where 45 guests were entertained following the wedding ceremony. The couple left for Missouri where they visited the Gus Taxter family at Garnet and Mr. and Mrs. W.

and family at Ottawa, INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC MOTHERS TO MEET Instrumental Music Mothers meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 in the Music hall, with a board session preceding the regular meeting at 1:30. Officers will be elected and a program will be presented by the music depart- ment. Winners in the local music' contest will perform both string and band selections. and topped by a miniature bride and bridegroom. Greenery, iris and gladioli surrounded the cake and crystal candelabra with white tapers were at either side; Yellow snapdragons and.

green tapers in crystal cahdelabara were on the punch table. For her wedding trip, the bride wore a jacket ensemble of navy, grey and yellow with navy accessories and a yellow straw bonnet. She wore the orchid from her corsage. On their return the couple will live in Auburndale, Fla. Mason Cityans at the wedding were Mr.

and Mrs. C. C. Willey, Miss Marcelle Willey and Mrs. Maude Kibe.

Next time you make pot roast use tomato juice for the liquid in which you simmer the meat. Season with salt and pepper and a clove of garlic; add potatoes and carrots about 45 minutes before the meat is done. New Edgings ITS EASY TO KEEP BOOKS FOR FARM AND RANCH WHEN USING THE IDEAL SYSTEM simplified INCOME TAX RECORD ALL IHQNtlQOSt LEAF BOOK For livestock fconches, Dolry Farms, Poultry Ronchei, Vineyards, Gravel, Hay and Groin Farms, Truck Forraj and Diversified Formi of All Kinds. Federol and Tax Lowi $2.50 $3.85 BRIDE AT OSAGE--Miss Ruth permits were granted as follows: Ernest Andersea, new residence; E. M.

Duesenberg, two new resi- -r i-ii. dences; William Bloomster. re- for a dessert imcheoo. da i Nk garage; twill be a short business session. chapin was norOi of --L.

and a white April 37. 1874, and spentig 3 I 5316 of life in the Kenneth Johnson and Mrs. M. She taught school several terms Peterson were given permis- and-was married to Mr. Miles) i on move buildings through the March 21, 1898, in the same house and John W.

Anderson to in which she was born. The Rev. break curb for a driveway. R. E.

Wood of the Lakeside Con-i gregaiional church, performed the; Services Held for Frank Meyers, 43 Lake Funeral services Clear Lake Calendar xtuui i cTM. --no icl tu Hnvig rentmg farms SK A A npramp TnP Hrtmo in son, Omaha, at the Osage Lutheran church, the Rev. T. P. Solem officiating.

Following the wedding a reception was held at the Havig home. Attending her was her sister, Miss Mary Louise Havig, Albert Lea. A brother, Forrest Havig, Charles City, was bestman. The bride is completing her 3rd year at the Northwestern Bell Telephone company in Osage as operator. She will continue her work temporarily.

Pvt. Paulson was graduated from the Omaha schools, and has been employed as installation supervisor for Western Electric, with headquarters at Omaha. He was called into service in November, and has been at Camp Gordon, in the signal corps. He is enroute to Camp Stoneman, CaL, and will be there AprU 6. they Birrchased a home in "Union! 2:30 to 5 Congo dub.

Congregational churth. Besides her husband, Mrs. Miles ir surv i ed by 4 children: Maurice Panbearere'were A. M. Triest Miles who.

lives on the Myhr A. Bisgrove, F. cj larm Laurence Miles, Mason Britt Students Exchange Vows Britt--Miss Joan Larson of Britt became the bride of Donald Muhm, student at Iowa State college at the Methodist church. The Rev. William Butler read the double rine ceremony.

Siiss Jean Ann Faust of Kanawha and Nick Whitlatch of Ames attended the couple. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Gerald Larson. Pvt. Dennis Holverson of Ft Leonarei Wood, and John Muhm of Britt served as ushers. Miss Catherine Cosgriff played the nuptial music and accompanied Miss Pat Muhm when she sang.

The reception was held following the ceremony at the Larson home. The bride, daughter of James A. Larson of Los Angeles, CaL, a graduate of Britt high school and has been employed at Mullins Hybrid Service company in Britt. The bridegroom, a son of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Muhm of Britt graduated from the local high school, took two years of work at the Britt junior college, and is now in his second year at the Iowa State college at Ames. He is a student of journalism and is managing editor of the Iowa State Daily. After the close of the spring term, he will report for military service. RHODES-SMITH Funeral arrangements are m- complete The boay is at Ward's, funeral home. V-, J- 1 Cookman, V.

v7allis and Clar-i Mrs ence Zook. Flowers were ar-p 3 iUnn TM Mrs Ral Pb ranged by Mmes. Burdette Linei pasa aena. CaL, a number of and Fred Miller. grandchildren and great-grand- A quartet, L.

Stuart, A. Engen, Wilbur Hollatz and B. D. Merriman, sang "Master, Let Mei Walk With Thee" and "The Old! Rugged Cross." Mr. Meyers a membes of B.

P. O. E. lodge.i Mason City. Relatives and friends from -a; distance included CpL Frankiej Meyers, Albans, Vt; P.

O. ley Kowalski, Norfolk, Edward Kowalski. i a Adolph Meyerczech, Chicago; Mr.j and Mrs. Charles Paulson, Web-, ster City, and Mr. and Martin Sehwarz, and daughter, Phyllis, Ashton.

lowihips. Methodist church, 6:30 Luther League, Zicm Lutheran Christian Zndeavor Cnristian club chorus prac- 9:30 a. ra. TO BE HOXOEED--Mrs. Mary Bowman, 608 7th.

avenue whose 3Srd birthday is April 1, be honored by members of Wa-Tan-Te 1 woman's service organization of which Sirs. Bowman is a charter member, at the frank Trager home, 101 South Shore drive, Monday evening, pinner is at 6:30. Mmes. Chris Luymes and Edith Xaylor and Miss Buth Watts are hostesses. The program of the evening will center around the life of Mrs.

Bowman whose unselfish Interpretation of the national motto, "Service Foremost," has brought the club much honor and respect. Troop Plans Honor Court Monday, 7:30 Clear lake--Boy Scout troop 17 will hold a court of honor at the junior high building Monday evening at 7:30, at which time second, first, Star and Eagle Scout awards will be conferred upon 7 candidates, S. P. Hansen, Scoutmaster, announced Saturday. Numerous merit badges will also be awarded troop members.

ter DeJong, Mason City, Boy Improvement Association, Scout executive for WinnebagO Charles Ransom hoae, 804 N. 8th rnuneiL will attend the cere- street, noon Parent-Teacher conference, schools, 2:15 50 5 a Civic League board meeting. Cirv'haU, 2:30 Brownies 3-A and -A. Lincoln fauild- Will Give Program for A. L.

Auxiliary --News of Your- CLEAR LAKE NEIGHBORS The Pre-school Parent-Education group will meet Monday evening at 8 at the home of Mrs. Robert Ludwig, 300 N. 4ih street Mmes. Duane Stork and Huey will give the lesson on "Spiritual Guidance." Four rides, SI. Tellow Cab.

Woman's club chorus will prac- Clear Lake--Jean Barlow, Mary time at 9:30 Monday morning in Furleigh and Abbie Ann hall. Clear Lake's candidates for Hawk- oj gale: Motorola Comb, radio; eye Girls State at Grinnell in June, child's wardrobe; 2 washtubs on will be presented at the American stands, kitchen set, fur coat. Ph. Legion Auxiliary meeting at thejsggj All Veterans i a Wednesday evening. Dinner is atj 6:30.

Mmes. T. G. Burns and A. A.

Joslyn are co-chairmen of child welfare committee which hasj the program in charge. Mason City, Friday evening for care and treatment. For Rent: 3 rm. pri. bath, Senior Girl Scouts Gloria ri ent.

Adults. Hushaw. Ph. 447. Gloria Hugelin and Marjorie Baum will present a playlet under the leadership of Mrs.

W. C. Rich and Miss Louise Ekstam. Girl Scout troop 5-A, Lincoln building, will present the playlet broadcast during Girl Scout week. Mrs.

W. F. Dierking Speaking at Church Clear Lake A 1:30 luncheon to which guests may be invited will be served Wednesday by group 2 of the Congregational Women's Fellowship in the churchji.on parlors, Mrs. T. G.

Burns, group chairman, announces. Mrs. W. Dierking, wife of the pastor of the' Presbyterian church, will speak on her visit to the UN Mrs. Daisy Adams reports that she saw robins and blackbirds in her yard Saturday morning.

Move by Mayflower. Ph. 627. Mrs. H.

O. Sandberjr, president, announces that officers and committee chairmen and co-chairmen of the Civic League will meet at City hall Monday at 2 o'clock. The regular April meeting will be held Tuesday at 2:30. Lost: Wed. around theater, red billfold.

308 N. 4th St. Reward. Rebekah degree staff will prac- 3. O.

F. hall Tuesday at p. m. Lost: Grucn watch. Jones.

Call 93. Reward. D. D. club members and families held -a roller skating party at TT i jvr--, c-T Anna Smith Volstad and Wilson Stone, will ar- announces the marriage of her range special musical numbers, daughter, Gloria Ann, to Gerald Rhodes of Hollywood, Cai.

The wedding took place at Reno, Nevada. The bride, a graduate of Clarksville high school is a soloist with the Lew Harkins orchestra onj the west coast. Mr. Rhodes is attending a radio school in Hollywood where they will make their; home for the present. MEETING IS HELD BY HAPPY HUSTLERS Farmers Happy Hustlers met at i the home of Mrs.

George Schepp-' ller with 14 members and 3 guests i present. It was voted to give $5' 'to the Good Samaritan home. Clarence Johnson and Mrs. Louis Vole joined the club. Mrs.

-Bud! Bergman reported on the two-day tailoring school which she attended in Mason. City. The next meoling will be April 12 with Mrs. Richard Thompson. Lunch for the a Mrs.

Dale Plymouth Friday evening after Wheeler, assisted by Mmes. Henry which lunch served at the Purviance schoolhouse by Mmes. Jesse Purviance and Cecil Pethick. The latter entertains the club April 19. Home Improvement club will: meet Wednesday at the home of' Mrs.

Charles Robert Findson is hostess. Lest: Small brown and white pup. Missing since Thursday. Reward. Cecil Cox, Ph.

3F2. Sirs. Ed Deitlahd, president, (Saturday requested all Amvet auxiliary members to attend the '3rd joint meeting of Amvet; 'costs and auxiliaries at the elubroom, Mason City, at 12:45 Sunday. crocheted was served. HAGLUND-BALL Swea City--Robert F.

Haglund. W. H. Ward Hears of Mother's Death at Wis. Masonic Temple, 2 and 7 p.

ra. Dainty initials and iedj-ings make handkerchiefs more beautiful. Hot iron transfer pat- of initials about 1" and complete; formerly City, and son ofj Mrs. Clarence Low, Rt. 3, Clear iiam McCord, 85.

at her home in! 12 5 ATTEND instructions. Rena Haglund. "was married! Lake, reported for duty Tues- jBoscobcl, Friday. She was BANQUET book is loc. ito Miss Inez Ball, at the home of I day at Fort Lawton, Seattle, i found sitting in a rocking chair in ing: Brownies 4-B and Girl Scout troop 5-B.

junior high buiWing, 4 Wa-Tan-Ye club, Frank Trager home, 101 Souih Shore drive, 6:30 Junior Chamber of Commerce, Sandy's cafe. 6:30 Fellowship session, ChrisUan chordi, 6:30 Boy Scout troop IT, junior high building: troop 75, Zion Lutheran church, 7:30 Daughters of Union Veterans, Citv hill, 7:30 Men's gyro class, high school. 7:30 Parent Education group, ore-school, Mrs. Robert Ludwig, 300 N. 4th street, 8 Friendship club, Hewitt's, 1M1 3Jain avenue.

8 IK. Vemon Boys 4-H club, Burrhfial hall. 3 Odd Fellows lodge, I.O.O.F. TUESDAY Red Cross home service worker. City haU, 8:30 a.

jn. till 12 Federated Women's clubs, convention. Al! Veterans Social Center. 9:30 a. m.

X.uckv Nine club, Mrs. Alice Dutro, S. 4th street, 1:30 Camp Ground Social club, Mrs. Noah VanHorn, 129 Fletcher drive, 1:30 Civic League, Cit-- hall. 2:30 Girl Scout troop 3-A, Lincoln building, 4 Cub Scout den 7, Mrs.

Maurice Zielie, Youth Fellowship of Evangelical Free church, 7:30 Boy Scout troop 30, junior high building. 7:30 Chapter EA P.E.O.. Sirs. W. M.

Hubhard. 408 First avenue 7:30 Hebekah degree staff. I.O.O J. hall. 7:30 Mothers Study club.

Mrs. James S. Anderson, 900 2nd avenue N-. 8 40 and 8, AE Veterans Social Center, Esther circle. Bethlehem Lutheran aid of Mason City, Mrs.

Herman Schloe- naer, 909 2nd avenue 8 Lutheran Brotherhood. Zion Lutheran church, 8 WEDNESDAY Thought and Thimble club. Mrs. Harry Spilman. 10:30 a.

m. Lions club. All Veterans Social Center, 12:15 Congregational Women's Fellowship church parlors. 1:30 Coffee club, Mrs. Walter Roenfanz Friendly Garden club, airs.

Oscar Amundson, 604 3rd avenue 2 Thimble Bee club, Mrs. William Schultt. 1100 2nd avenue 2 Home Improvement dub, Mrs. Bobert Findson. 1433 Slain avenue, 2 Colonial club, Mrs.

Ray Sherman, 2 Parent-Teacher conferences, both grade schools, 2:15 to 5 Brownies 3-B. Girl Scout troops 6 and 7. junior high building, 4 Cub Scout den 1. Sirs. H.

B. Liebendorfer: den 6, Mrs. K. B. Cook.

4 American Legion Auxiliary, All Veterans Social Center. 6:30 Boy Scout troop 377, Congregational church. 7:30 Verity lodge No. 250. A.

F. and A. Masonic Temple. 7:30 Amvet Post No. 135, All Veterans Social Center, 7:30 Double class.

Gerald Treu home, 1105 Main avenue club. Mrs. Jack Winkler, 10 N. 10th street. 8 Odd Fellows club dance, I.O.O hall, 9 THURSDAY Red Cross home service worker, City hall, 8:30 a.

m. till 12 Hotary club, AU Veterans Social Center. 12:15 Twentieth Century club. Mrs. C.

A. Knutson, 315 N. 3rd street, 1 Linger Longer Birthday club. Mrs. Roy Ebaugh.

14 South Shore drive Busy Bee club, Mrs. Howard Cash, 2 Parent-Teacher conferences, both grade schools, to 5 Crescent club, Mrs. J. G. Lindon, 211 N.

4th street. 2:30 Royal Neighbor club, Mrs. F. B. Hart, 1056 Main avenue, 2:30 Zion Lutheran Ladies aid, church parlors, 2:30 Cub Scout den 4, Airs.

Maurice Lans-j ruds: den 8. Mrs. Harold Nichols. Clear Lake Encampment and Auxiliary, I.O.O.F. hall, 6:30 All Conference basketball banquet, Alii Veterans Social Center, 7 Woman's club art class, junior high art room.

7 FRIDAY--Christian Women's Fellowship, church parlors, 1:30 Woman's Relief Corps. I.O.O.F. hall. 2 Cub Scout den 3, Mrs. J.

L. SmalJ- dridge. 4 Council, will attend the ceremonies. Moving pictures of the jamboree at Valley Forge last summer will form the entertainment. Parents and friends of troop members are invited to attend the court.

JNIr, Hansen especially invites and urges parents of boys receiving awards to be present. Parents of boys who are in" the lower classes are also urged to attend to learn what is required of their sons that they may achieve the higher brackets. Circle Topic for W.S.C.S. Clear Lake--Methodist circles met Friday afternoon in various homes for lessons'on "The Near East" Circle 8 met at the home of Mrs. H.

N. Halverson who was assisted by Mrnes. Peter Knutson, Mabel Robinson and Cynthia Taylor Mrs. Orren Porter led devotions and Mrs. John James gave the lesson.

Mrs. John James gave April 27. Mrs. Arthur Johnson was hostess to circle 2. Mrs.

Arthur Hammond led devotions and was assisted in the lesson by Mrs. Clarence Zook. Mrs. E. J.

Lincicum entertains April 27. Mrs. Betty MacDonald was a guest of circle 4 at the home of. Mrs. Ed Nelson: Mrs.

John Roseland presented the lesson. Mrs. John King is hostess April 27. Circle 3 met at the home of Mrs. H.

O. Sandberg. Mrs. Paul Trumbull gave the lesson and Mrs. R.

C. Taylor led devotions. Mrs. C. E.

Lantz entertains April 27. Mrs. Mark Brooks was a guest of circle 7 at the home of Mrs. M. A.

Hintzman. Mrs. Walter Wood had the lesson and Mrs. Henry Myhr led devotions. Mrs.

J. T. Charles-worth is hostess April 27. Mrs. Carl Belts became a new member of circle 5 at the home of Mrs.

Reuben GrelJ, was assisted by Mmes. Robert White and Earl Ea'stman. Mrs. W. M.

Hub- sard was a guest. Mrs. James Davis gave the lesson and Mrs. Ray Bachellor led devotions. A jreakfast was planned for Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs.

K. 1008 Main avenue. Those desiring transportation are asked to call Mrs. Woker, 840-J. All are invited.

Mrs. Alia Iverson is hostess April 27. Mrs. Chris Johnston and Miss Esther Backhaus were guests of circle 9 at the home of Mrs. Henry Backhaus.

Mms. Harvey and AVayne Wood and Tom Rumeliote assisted. Mrs. W. M.

Hubbard gave the lesson and Mrs. Turner led devotions. The latter entertains April 27 Circle 10 met at the home of Mrs. Charles Jorgenson who was assisted by Mmes. Charles Ransom arid Ed Rushia.

Mr. Hubbard gave the lesson and Mrs. G. F. Reynold led devotions.

Mrs. J. Page is hostess April 27. Mrs. Lang presented the lesson and Mrs.

Frank Rich devotions for circle 6 at the James Kennedy home. Mmes. Richard Harry, George Fuller and L. N. Sanquist assisted.

Mrs. Eugene Grimm entertains April 27. Stafford Post Plans Project Asks Co-Ordination of Supervised Play Clear Lake --Stafford Post No. 222, American Legion, will sponsor summer playground activities for all children of Clear Lake, it was announced Saturday. The committee appointed by Commander Louis Schiller includes L.

G. Stunkard, John Perkins," co-chairman, and L. E. Ashland, Dale Fox, C. Pease, and Philip Furleigh.

Tentative plans are for A. Engen and. Dick Banning to act as supervisors. An estimated 51,500 is needed for the project A fund raising dance at the Surf is suggested for meeting this responsibility. -While Stafford Post is sponsor- tag the program, it is emphasized that much assistance will, be needed and the help of other civic groups is earnestly solicited.

A number of starts have been made by various groups. It is hoped that all efforts can be co-ordinated and funds consolidated into one- well- organized endeavor supported by all civic groups in order that duplication of time and effort may be avoided. Medical Fund for Needy Children to Be Set Up at School Clear Lak'e--Mrs. Louis Schuler school nurse, announces that a medical fund to provide glasses 01 dental care as required for needy school children of Clear Lake being set up. "Both clubs and individuals are invited to contribute to the fund which will be used to the best possible advantage, she states.

Each individual case is to be investigated before help is given. At present 3 pair of glasses and some dental work are needed A few groups have already indicated their willingness to assist The fund is to be administered through the school. Mrs. Harry Spilman will entertain Thought and Thimble club Wednesday morning at 10:30. A poiluck dinner will be served at noon.

Miss Lucile Buchanan will present the lesson, "Party Snacks." PLANS APRIL WEDDING-Mrs. Ollie Peterson, 1001 3rd a Clear Lake, announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Miss Thelma Irene Peterson, to Oscar A. Spencer, son of W. Spencer, 1031 E. State street, Mason City.

The ceremony will be held at the Congregational church in Cleat Lake April 29. Want to Purchase 100X RETAIL Interaction inviud from own- ers, Iruileei, bonki, financial inslilulions or broken. Ail com- municalioni will be held in liricteit confidence, fully BMCK'EN BROTHERS, MC. HUH AYL, N. r.

IT, r. REPORTS FOR DUTY Pvt. Clarence Low, son of Mr. and Clear Lake-W. H.

Ward, 101 or Rainbow for Girfc, 4th street, has received word oil n-rf i the death of his mother, Mrs. Wil- YELLAND HANES 11 EAST STATE To order: Send 20 cents in coin Mr. and Mrs. James E. Vaux.j after spending two i her home.

to Needlework Bureau, Globe-Ga-Kirkland, Wash. The bride was at-; weeks at home. Pvt. Low was Mrs. McCord is survived by two zetie, 220 Fifth New York, tended by her sister, Rosa Halvor-j feted at the home of his parents other sons, Frank Ward.

Mason 1. N. Y. Enclose 15c extra for sen. Th Needlework Book which includes was his 8 free patterns and illustrated instructions for slip covers; in addition, a large selection of designs to crochet, knit and em- eon served to the bridal party and! Medium Tank Battalion, 16th Funeral Quilts, dolls, etc, about 30 guests.

i Army Division. (complete. Clear Lake--About 125 men and boys attended the Odd Fellows' Father-Son banquet at I.O.O.F. hall Friday evening. Tina Re- Trie bridegroom's and at the LaVcrn Nelson home.

'City, and Walter Ward, Boscobeljbekahs served, E. B. Stillman was brother of Swea City. Fol- His uncle and aunt, Mr. and two daughters, Mrs.

Halvor the Rev. Guy W. Carrellj lowing the wedding Mrs. Vale Low, Emmons, Holmes, andjspoke, children from the I.O.O.F.! Mrs. Rena Haglund and Mrs.

entertained for him. Pvt. Low Dan Wcndle, Rudd, also a homes at Mason City gave musical Vaux, were hostesses nt a lunch-! is a member of Company 15th -number of grandchildren. numbers and readings and Supt.i 4 1 1 It-. eon served to the bridal party a Medium Tank Battalion, 1 6 Funeral arrangements are in-iHoward Dclahoyde told of the ih ome management.

NOTICE! The Pioneer Federal Savings Loan Association Offices ARE BEING MOVED From 14 First Street S. E. To 10 First Street S. E. --2 Doors West of Our Present Location.

Globe-Gazette from Mason City, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.